Actions 4 ACEs - Helping 
New Jersey Children Heal From Trauma

New Jersey Children

Heal From Trauma

Actions 4 ACEs is a statewide initiative to build awareness about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the role adults can play in reducing the impact of trauma and helping children heal.

About Actions 4 ACEs
2 out of 3 
children, nationally, have had at least one ACE.1
Children with 3+ ACEs
 are less likely to graduate high school.2
Children who experience 4+ ACEs are 4x more likely
 to become juvenile offenders.3

What are ACEs?

ACEs stands for adverse childhood experiences. These are stressful or traumatic events that occur before the age of 18. ACEs are common, and include events such as parental separation, experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect, or having a loved one attempt or die by suicide. Adverse community events such as poverty and discrimination can further compound the effects of ACEs.

The Cost of ACEs

A landmark study found the higher the number of ACEs, the more likely one can experience negative health effects like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression, anxiety and asthma.4 And the economic cost of ACEs in North America alone is estimated to be over $700 billion annually.5

Learn About the Science of ACEs

You Can Make A Difference

By taking simple actions and building supportive relationships with children, you can help reduce the impact of ACEs while building children’s resiliency. Learn about professional training opportunities in our resource section.

Join the conversation #Actions4ACEs

January is National Mentoring Month.

Research shows that kids who face adverse experiences can benefit greatly from connections with caring, competent adults.

We and our providers take #Actions4ACEs to build these connections.

You can too.

➡️Learn how:

Have you heard of the the #Actions4ACEs campaign?

It's an NJ initiative to increase public awareness about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the role adults can play in reducing the impact of trauma and helping children heal.

☑️Learn more at

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Together We
Can Do More

Addressing ACEs takes all of us. Our invaluable partners bring awareness to this statewide issue and educate individuals working closest with children on the positive impact they can make. Visit these partner sites for more information.

NJ Resiliency Coalition Community

is an online community for people living and working in New Jersey to come together to help prevent ACEs.

NJ Office of Resilience

hosts, coordinates and facilitates statewide initiatives related to raising awareness of and creating opportunities to eradicate ACEs.