A place to learn, share and find resources
About 61% of adults 1 surveyed across 25 states reported that they had at least one type of ACE, and nearly 1 in 6 adults reported they had experienced four or more ACEs. Nationally, 2 out of 3 2 children have experienced at least one. By working together, sharing resources and encouraging training through professional association partners, we can help reduce the impact of ACEs while making New Jersey a trauma-informed and healing-centered state.

Actions4ACEs Program Materials
Actions 4 ACEs outreach and marketing materials can support your ongoing efforts to create awareness and encourage action. Please download and use within your school, police department, community and/or organization, throughout your social media channels and however you deem fit.
Check back often to download new material as it becomes available.
Use these videos to help inform educators and law enforcement officers about Actions 4 ACEs and our efforts. Don’t forget to add #Actions4ACEs on your social posts.

How a Child’s Brain Develops Through Early Experiences
Download these posters to help continue with your ACEs awareness initiatives.

Download these flyers to help continue with your ACEs awareness initiatives.

Download these factsheets to help continue with your ACEs awareness initiatives.

Social Media Messages
Share these images and sample posts in social media or other messaging forums. And use the hashtag #Actions4ACEs to help us raise awareness about the simple but powerful actions educators and law enforcement can take to reduce the impact of ACEs.

Facebook & Instagram
These images are designed and sized for Facebook and Instagram. Download and share today.

These images are designed and sized for Twitter. Download and share today.

These images are designed and sized for LinkedIn. Download and share today.
Additional Resources & Materials
- All Audiences
- Educators
- Law Enforcement
Upcoming ACEs Trainings
Join the New Jersey Office of Resilience for Building Self-Healing Communities – Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences. This free 3-hour session explains the impact of childhood trauma and its implications across the life course. The session is interactive and includes time for discussion. To learn more about upcoming dates and how to register, visit the Actions 4 ACEs events calendar.
Handle With Care Directive
New Jersey’s Handle With Care Directive is designed to promote partnership between schools and law enforcement. When an officer encounters a child experiencing a traumatic event, they notify the child’s school. Sharing this information helps schools create a supportive environment for the child.
It Takes
All of Us
Want to learn even more about ACEs in New Jersey? Check out our sister sites.

NJ Resiliency Coalition Community
is an online community for people living and working in New Jersey to come together to help prevent ACEs.

NJ Office of Resilience
hosts, coordinates and facilitates statewide initiatives related to raising awareness of and creating opportunities to eradicate ACEs.